Thursday 28 January 2010

Film Magazine - Textual Analysis

1. What are the functions of a film magazine?
A Film magazine exists for guidance, information , amusement and entertainment. A film magazine will promote films thorugh adverts throughout, along with features such as reviews which creates discussions between film fans. Film magazines are able to give positive and negative feedback from trusted critics and fans as to what their views of different films are, this enables readers to have a brief idea as to what the film is like and whether it appeals to them or not, this may act as a promotional device.
2. How do film magazines target an audience?
Film magazines target an audience through specific genres of film, actors and different characters. Magazines target niche audiences and develop strong bonds where by the reader relationship is like that of a 'trusted friend'. By targeting a specific type of audience editors can adapt the magazine features, adverts etc to be appealing towards their niche audiences.
What are the key codes and conventions of a front cover music magazine?
I have analysed two front covers of music magazines and with each explained the key codes and conventions:
In order for a magazine to be appealing and to target an audience the codes and conventions must be right. I decided to analyse a total film issue.
The masthead is the title of the magazine, here being Total Film, here the masthead is one of the main focal points of the page and is the first thing the readers will see as it is very big and in a very clear and bold font. This allows readers to easily recognise the issue.
The strap line is the writing above the masthead which is considerably smaller than it as not to draw attention from it.
This usually gives information on features inside the magazine, to help encourage the reader to want to read and buy it.
The main image takes up the whole of the background, this emphasising the fact that this is a big feature in the magazine. There is no sub images either as this may draw attention away from the main feature.
Total film also has a slogan just below the masthead, 'The Ultimate Movie Magazine' this showing the audience that it is a very successful and popular magazine.Sell lines are there to entice the reader, and give the reader an idea as to what the magazine includes, this partuclar
cover has four sell lines with one being most eye catching, a sell line has been purposely placed in the middle of the page below the image and has been made considerably larger, this compliments the picture and draws the readers attention to that particular feature. The main image and the main sell line also another smaller sell line all are promting information on the main story of the magazine.
The magazine cover also includes the date, price and bar code.

The second magazine i chose to analyse was EMPIRE January 2009 issue.
The Masthead here is Empire, this being the main feature of the page as of its colour which contrasts to the rest of the page as it is red and the rest are quite dull colours.
The strap line which again is sitiuated above the masthead says 'WOLVERINE has returned for...' this cliff hanger intreagues the audience as to what is information is inside the magazine.
The Main image is central to the page and purposely obstructs the view of the masthead. This like the previous cover I evaluated also hasnt got any sub images, emphasisng how big the main feature is. There are 8 sell lines on this particular cover giving the reader an idea as to what the magazine includes.
There is also a slogan below the masthead stating ' The World Biggest Movie Magazine' again showing the reader that is a succesfull magazine which will make them trust the brand.
The magazine also includes reference to the magazines website, showing that it is also online aswell as print. It also includes the date, issue, price and date.
Discuss the relationship between film magazines and the film industry?
What is the relationship between film magazines and the readers?
How do film covers represent social groups?
What is the mode of address of the front cover of the film magazine?