Wednesday 9 December 2009

Storyboard & Animatic of Sleep Tight

We developed our 500 word overview of our imaginary film by discussing together in our group our ideas and made suggestions as to what would be achievable and the most effective plot for our imaginary film. Having decided to go with my story of A normal Girl Libby May with a dark secret, we altered it slightly giving it an original twist that would be attainable and effective in a trailer. We then together worked on the 500 word overview on it so we were clear as to what changes had been made, having completed the overview we then had something to work with when it came to our storyboards. The whole point of a storyboard is so that during the production stages we always will have something to refer to, other than our 500 word overview. It makes the production stage alot easier, as well as being able to create an anamatic from it, and therefore seeing whether we need to make any changes and if the shots we have put into it are going to work together effectively or not. We had to make key decisions whereby we had to decide how many shots we were going to use, and what shots would work the best, here we had to visualise them in order for our storyboard to become effective.

Having decided on our film genre and completing our storyboards the next stage was to create an animatic for our trailer. This task iinvolved taking basic photographs of each shot in out storyboard ( not including the final costumes props etc.), this task will be useful to us as when it comes to the point where the photographs are all taken and ready for the editing stage by putting the titles along with the transitions in also,like the storyboard it will give us a good idea of how our trailer is developing and whether the shots we have chosen to use will be achievable. It will also give us a rough estimate as to how long out trailer will last as during the editing stage we will be able to make the photographs last how long our shots would last in our actual production, giving us the option to plan and add more shots if we think necessary.

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