Monday 26 April 2010

Comparison & Repetoire Of Elements

Comparison Of Shrooms
After storyboarding our trailer we had a group discussion in class about similar real media products that we could compare with our own media product and as a group we came up with the horror film 'Shrooms'. This film shares many similar traites to our film Sleep Tight, the setting of a dark forest is apparent in both which emphisises isolation and vulnerability. The main characters in both films turn out to be the actual monsters, this challenges the typical conventions of a horror film as they are female, and are usually stereotypically male.

Repetoire Of Elements

There are eight key elements of genre, which I have discussed below and made them applicable to our finished product.

  • Iconography - noose, hanging feet, dead body, screams of pain/terror

  • Style- Darkness, black and white lighting to show dream situations, low key lighting

  • Setting - Forest which is conventional, civilisation - home and school, contempary - bed psychiatric unit

  • Narrative - monster- human with psychological disorder, audience are deliberatly misled

  • Characters - monster, friends (community) , newsreader, mother (family)

  • Themes - violence, isolation, threat, danger, pursuite, conflict

  • Audience Response - frightened, nervous, shocked, intellectul puzzle

  • Target Audience - females as they can empathise with the female victims and monster.

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