Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Editing Process

Editing Software

After finishing filming we then had to edit our footage. We used Adobe Premiere Software. This being a very proffessional programme which allowed use to make all the alterations to our trailer.
We first had to cut down shots and put them in to sequence ensuring they flowed, we also added transitions such as fade to black and dissolve to create a sense of elipsis.

When we were in the process of filming we were also looking into music we thought would suit our trailer well, Evanescence - Bring Me To Life fitted our trailer perfectly and we were extremely happy with it, the songs tempo started slow and increased, keeping in trance with out trailer. However we were to find out that as the track was copyright if we used it, it may loose us marks. We discussed as a group that it was not worth loosing marks over, and decided to search for copyright free music.
We found a number of tracks, each not suitable on their own but combined together worked well. The first track starts off with a quite slow tempo, increasing in to a faster stonger beat, and then a quieter one at the end. It took alot of time and effort to get the music just right, as during our preliminary tasks we realised how music was key in order to get a fluid successful finished project.

Making Of the DVD
In our newsreader scene where by the equilibrium is disturbed in the trialer, we decided to film the scene, then edit it putting scrolling text, the time and a picture in the corner so that it was similar to that of a news programme, we created mise en scene in the picture by recreating our own crime scene, using tape to corner off an area. We then put the footage on to a DVD and filmed the scene with the mother and Libby characters watching it which worked well.

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