Monday 26 April 2010


Sleep Tight is a film of the horror genre. The function of a horror film is to scare/horrify the viewer, being used in some cases to create messages about society. This type of genre usually has a specific age group in which it targets which is fifteen to thirty, this could be down to the rebellious nature of teenagers. Horror films are traditionally targeted at male audienced as they are stereotypically more appealed to violence. Sleep Tight challenges conventions as it targets young females as they can empathise with the femal victims/monster.

Within the genre of horror there are sub genres such as : torture porn, Zombie, Gothic Horror, Comedy Horror, Post modern horror and psychological thriller to name a few examples. Our film is a psychological sub genre, as it is a 'suggested horror' not a 'graphic horror', horror of the unseen is more horrifying rather than actually being horrified.

Charles Derry 1977 came up with subgeneric categories for the modern horror fi

  • The horror of personality

  • The horror of armourgedin

  • The horror of supernatural (demonic)

Sleep Tight is in the category of ' Horror of personality' as it is knowing that a human being is capable of such things which is the scary issue.

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