Tuesday 27 April 2010

Female Protagonist

Sleep Tight challenges conventions as in this modern psychological thriller the female character is both the victim and monster, the audience are made to feel a connection with the character, feeling sympaty towards her and empathising with her as she becomes in a state of great distress and confusion.
The modern psychological thriller/horror film 'the monster who attacks' looks like and, in some sense, is a woman and the audience are asked to believe that the woman is both victim and monster, for she is responsible for the horror tha destroys her. This is the same as Libby in Sleep Tight, Libby's horror is created in her head, she is both the monster and the victim and the audience are left to work out this.
Our trailer also has a code of enigma as the female protagonists behaviour is not explained and the audience are left questionning as the films ending contains the ultimate taboo, suicide.

Several commentators on the horror film have pointed out the role of woman as victims, a role treated with increasing visciousness as the sexual violence of recent cycles increases.
Linda Williams reintroduction of the question of the womans 'look' into psychoanalytic accounts of the mechanisms of classic narrative structure.

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