Tuesday 27 April 2010

Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule
To help us organise our filming and complete shots by the deadline we compiled a schedule. So that everybody new what days they were needed and what equipment, costumes and props we needed to bring.
Below is a copy of the schedule:

Wednesday 3rd March

10 til 11

Film opening scene involving Beth/Abee/Georgia: establish normality

12:20 til 2:10

Plan night time shoot: Location/Costume

Thurday 4th March

2:10 til 8pm

Mr Jones as Newsreader ( then transfer onto DVD)Libby and Mum CharacterAll Bed scenesGeorgia front door scene "Beth's dead!"

Monday 8th March

3.15 til dark

Front door opening

8.30 til 10.30

Georgias death scenes (forest)

Wednesday 10th March

After 6 (dark)

Beths death scenes (forest)

Thursday 11th March

7.00 til late

Libby's final scene Psychiatric Ward scene

Wednesday 17th March

6pm til late

Libby watching TV sceneLibby and Mum character ( watershed of trailer)

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