Monday 26 April 2010

Titles for Trailer

All the way through the planning stages we were certain that we were going to have titles in our trailer as we thought it would subtly give the audience information without having to have a voice over as we thought this would be more of an effective way. At the beginning of the task the titles were going to be:

  • She was a normal girl by day...

  • But at night...

  • Things change...

  • What would you do if your nightmares...

  • Became Reality?

We then thought that the titles were quite simple and not very original as they are what is expected from a typical horror film containing bad dreams, so we then thought that it would be different to create a poem. This giving an extra edge to the trailer as the audience will have to think about the words. This is similar to 'Sleep Tight' as it is an intellectuall puzzle the audience is kept in suspense and is left to work out the story as it unfolds. We decided that the titles in poem form were going to be as follows:

  • She knew nothing but normality
  • Until dreams destroyed her reality
  • So awake into the dark she stares
  • Posessed and afraid of her nightmares
  • The rope is tight , the knot will reap
  • No one knows and the worlds asleep
  • GTA Productions Presents

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